Sunday, July 25, 2010

Die Hard

You may download a PDF of the script here.

I used to love this movie. I made my wife watch it with me last night. Dude. This flick is corny. As I read the screenplay, it didn't feel as corny. So maybe it was just some bad acting. I remember loving Bruce Willis in this. But even he seemed like a caricature (are there really people in the world who are this tough?.....and he talked to himself quite a bit, don't you think?).

The scene with McClane and Hans Gruber (great villain name) was very good. I thought I had just missed it in the screenplay- I'm glad you gave us the trivia about how it was added. Another change that I thought was good was the exchange before Ellis gets shot. That part was forgettable in the screenplay, but was good in the movie.

I do think this is a good example of a script that appeals to a lead actor. As screenwriters we try to create roles that actors want to play. What 80s action hero wouldn't have wanted to play John McClane? He's a badass. I hope to write a script that feeds one of these actors' egos and makes them think they have to play this role.

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